Lisbon, Portugal – A group of Spanish and Portuguese young people met 3-5 March to discuss establishing a new communications team in the West Mediterranean Field. The team included four young people from Spain and three from Portugal, along with Kyle Himmelwright, the field strategy coordinator; his wife, Jayme; and Dennis Mohn, the Eurasia Region communications coordinator. Several others from Spain and Portugal were not able to attend, but will participate in the ministry.

The meeting was the initial step in launching the region’s first field communications team. The purpose was for the group to get acquainted, share ideas and discuss objectives.

“I am thankful for the people that see the upside of technology and want to use it to assist their field and its districts in their efforts to be the church,” said Mohn.

During the meetings, Mohn observed these are an enthusiastic group of skilled young people who are passionate about Jesus, and want to use their multi-media talents to share Christ’s love with others. Each of the team members is trained in or currently studying website design, graphic design, video production or mass communications.

“This is a start,” said Junior Pereira, a team member from Spain. “The church has a lot of ministries, and communications is a very important ministry. I think we can implement this throughout the whole region.”

Pereira would like to design websites and videos for the church, and is currently studying towards a bachelor’s degree in web design and art directions.

“This is another way for me to work for God,” he said.

Team member Alejandra (Jessica) Martin attended the 2011 Leadership Conference in Büsingen with her husband, Jonathan, where she heard keynote speaker Leonard Sweet discuss how the church needs to reach out and connect with the younger “Google World.”

“It’s good to see the church updating itself for this Google generation,” said Jessica. “It was good to hear about it in Büsingen and then later be a part of it in the meetings in Portugal.”

Portuguese team-member Eloize Reis, said the meeting allowed her to connect with the Spanish group and learn the goal of communications in the region.

During the meetings, Reis realized the church in Spain and Portugal has slightly different goals. In Portugal, the goal is to teach people how to use social networks and to develop interaction between the local churches.

In Spain the biggest necessity is supporting families in the community through social services. The Internet could be used to promote this work, said Reis.

Pereira said the church needs to study the context for communications in each country in the region, because every nation has a different mindset. The type of communication that works in Spain may not work in Portugal, or elsewhere in the field.

“It was important to know that we had the same vision and have the opportunity to share ideas and projects that Portugal communications has for the future,” said Reis. “Communications is how a man understands his neighbor. We must be clear and powerful in showing the world the way for salvation. If we don’t communicate in the church, it will be impossible for man to understand God.”

The team would like to take their second step; there are plans for a second meeting in Portugal later in the year.

“Imagine how much we could accomplish if every field would follow the example of the West Mediterranean?” said Mohn. “We will make it happen somehow.” 







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