Read: Genesis 26:2-5, 26:16-17, 26:26-29; Gen. 28:10-15; Gen. 39:2-6; Gen. 41:38-40; Gen. 45:4-7; Hebrews 11:8-22.

God revealed his mission to Abraham in Genesis 12:2-3. Isaac, Jacob and Joseph were taught about God’s mission and his promise from their fathers and grandfathers. Isaac and Jacob each have recorded accounts of God confirming his covenant and mission through them. While a specific encounter of God reconfirming his covenant and mission with Joseph is not recorded in Genesis, Joseph’s understanding of God’s purpose to save lives and fulfill the promise through him is clear (Gen. 45:5-7).

Each of the patriarchs received and responded in faith to God’s covenant and his mission. While they lived among the Canaanites and Egyptians who worshiped other gods, they remained faithful to Yahweh and believed his promise. Their choices and actions reflected the purpose God had for them. Their children and the indigenous people groups around them recognized Yahweh from the patriarchs’ faith, choices that honored God, and God’s blessings.

  • Do our children and grandchildren see us choose to honor and worship God in our everyday lives and lifestyles? Do they know why we do this?
  • Do we teach our children about God’s mission, their role in it, and how to respond to him?
  • Do our lives reflect the fact that God has a distinct purpose for us?
  • How can our lives be long-term examples of faithfulness to God and who God is?
  • Do all of my choices honor God?
  • Do people “from the nations” recognize God at work in my life? What is their response?