Where Worlds Meet

Where Worlds Meet2020-03-14T21:54:20+00:00

Where Worlds Meet is our monthly newsletter where you can read about some of the ways that God is moving in the Eurasia Region. Click on an article below to read about some stories of life change and how God is at work or subscribe below.

Where Worlds Meet – May 2013

May 15th, 2013|

Inside this month's issue of Where Worlds Meet, you will learn about how one pastor escaped a caved-in well to continue his ministry; how God is blessing the Church in Albania; how God has raised up four generations of a family in India to expand the Kingdom there; and more. [...]

Where Worlds Meet – April 2013

April 15th, 2013|

Inside this month's issue of Where Worlds Meet, you will learn about how one church delivered an avalanche of supplies to a ministry for human trafficking victims; how youth in the Netherlands are living missionally; highlights from the latest Leadership Conference; and more. Please click here to download the newsletter. [...]

Where Worlds Meet – March 2013

March 15th, 2013|

Inside this month's issue of Where Worlds Meet, you will learn about how missionaries in Ireland are reaching out to their community; how youth in Bangladesh are training to be Christlike leaders; how God is at work through JESUS Film teams in South Asia; and more. Please click here to [...]

Where Worlds Meet – February 2013

February 15th, 2013|

Inside this month's issue of Where Worlds Meet, you will learn about how a French church nearly doubled its attendance through small changes; how Italian youth are reaching out to their community; how two pastors in Italy helped to expose other denominations to the teachings of John Wesley; and many [...]

Where Worlds Meet – December 2012

December 15th, 2012|

  Inside this month’s issue of Where Worlds Meet, you will learn about child development workers who gathered in Singapore to train for holistic ministry; the story of two Arab Christians in Israel reaching other Arabs in the Holy Land through pastoral ministry and an evangelical school for children; a [...]

Where Worlds Meet – November 2012

November 15th, 2012|

  Inside this month’s issue of Where Worlds Meet, you will learn about the 20th anniversary celebration of the Moscow Church of the Nazarene; the testimony of the pastor of the Church of the Nazarene in Volgograd; the second phase of the Power of One in India; the 2012 International [...]

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