Where Worlds Meet

Where Worlds Meet2020-03-14T21:54:20+00:00

Where Worlds Meet is our monthly newsletter where you can read about some of the ways that God is moving in the Eurasia Region. Click on an article below to read about some stories of life change and how God is at work or subscribe below.

Nazarenes assist Catholic World Youth Days, Poland

November 25th, 2016|

On December 07, 1990, Pope John Paul II sent out a letter of exhortation to all the churches of the world. This letter, Redemptoris Missio, was an invitation back to the faith – a re-evangelism for the baptized. Within this vision, he included countries that had once identified as Christian, [...]

Refugee Conference offers reflection, discussion and expertise for way forward

November 21st, 2016|

By Dorli Gschwandtner Eurasia Region Communications “We need to make history. This is our chance, our time. Please pray for us.” Almost 50 participants from across Eurasia were challenged by these words of Khalil Halaseh, leader of the church in the Eastern Mediterranean Field, in the opening service of a [...]

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