Where Worlds Meet

Where Worlds Meet2020-03-14T21:54:20+00:00

Where Worlds Meet is our monthly newsletter where you can read about some of the ways that God is moving in the Eurasia Region. Click on an article below to read about some stories of life change and how God is at work or subscribe below.

Portugal District celebrates translation of theology book on mission

May 11th, 2018|

About 75 people gathered on May 1 in Lisbon to celebrate the publication of a Portuguese translation of Dr. Dean Flemming’s book, Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling. Over an entire year, Recuperando a Missão Completa de Deus was translated by three [...]

Two countries, one body: Congregations come together across Europe through shared need for ministry space

May 11th, 2018|

For several years, Nazarenes in Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia, worshiped and conducted community outreach in a three-bedroom apartment of a residential building. The highly missional community maximized the space as best they could. They split their growing kids’ club and vacation Bible school into shifts so they could [...]

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