Where Worlds Meet

Where Worlds Meet2020-03-14T21:54:20+00:00

Where Worlds Meet is our monthly newsletter where you can read about some of the ways that God is moving in the Eurasia Region. Click on an article below to read about some stories of life change and how God is at work or subscribe below.

JESUS Film ministry leads Bangladeshi man to explore missionary calling

June 7th, 2018|

They travelled by bus, van, car and motorcycle to the Bangladesh Mission Center. It was the sight of what will be seen in years to come as an historic gathering. Believers from all five districts of Bangladesh committed multiple days to participate in volunteer missionary training. This the first step [...]

Finding freedom

June 7th, 2018|

Editor’s note: The following story is a good example of how Nazarene churches minister to those who are in spiritual bondage. In many places people not only have to turn to Christ, but in doing so they also have to turn away from all other spiritual powers. Yet, some discover [...]

Intimacy with God and theological education

June 7th, 2018|

Education -- and especially theological education -- is a core value of the Church of the Nazarene denomination. It is why we have founded more than 50 institutions of higher learning around the world. Yet, theological education is not limited to learning about God. It must include developing relational intimacy [...]

Discovering Christian Holiness released in German

June 7th, 2018|

With great enthusiasm, the German Literature Committee released the translation of the book Discovering Christian Holiness by Diane Leclerc in March 2018. The German title is Völlig verändert – Was Heiligung heute bedeutet (Completely Transformed – What Sanctification Means Today). The book release offers an overdue and needed tool for [...]

Training sparks new youth group in Romania

May 15th, 2018|

Nexūs was a wonderful and unique experience. It was the main reason why I understood the importance of the youth group, so, after the course; I started a youth group in Romania. Not only Nexūs helped me make this decision, but it taught me to appreciate and give more importance to young people. I have learned that they also [...]

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