Snapshots is a newsletter where you can read about some of the ways that God is moving in the Eurasia Region. Click on an article below to read about some stories of life change and how God is at work or subscribe below.

  • Vinnitsa, Ukraine––It all started with a short news report--a local station in Vinnitsa, Ukraine interviewed the city’s Nazarene drug and alcohol rehabilitation center about its purpose.

    “We saw a powerful response [to the interview],” said Vladimir Masyuk. “We saw media providing a great opportunity to respond to this major need in our area.”

    January 29, 2010

  • Thoughts from Southeastern Europe

    The trickle of refugees became a stream as family after family returned to Dry River. But devastation greeted their homecoming: two out of every three Kosovar homes had been destroyed as the neighboring army had systematically meted out its own form of ethnic cleansing.

    January 29, 2010

  • Beirut, Lebanon––After a year of planning, praying and producing, the Nazarene Broadcasting and Communications Ministry in the Middle East is premiering the first-ever Nazarene television show on the largest Christian channel in the Middle East this month.

    January 29, 2010

  • Sighisoara, Romania––On Sunday, 4 Octo ber, the Sighisoara Church of the Naza rene honored Rev. Magda Balaban—who has served in Sighisoara for the past 10 years—and blessed her as she enters a new chapter of her life.

    January 29, 2010


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