Snapshots is a newsletter where you can read about some of the ways that God is moving in the Eurasia Region. Click on an article below to read about some stories of life change and how God is at work or subscribe below.

  • Pune, India - Five hundred and sixty pastors representing 1,230 congregations attended the launching of the “Power of One”, Eurasia Region’s Missional Church Initiative, in Bangalore, Pune and Kolkata this month. The initiative, launched in September, is designed to help local churches in every field become engaged in evangelism, discipleship, church planting and community transformation, providing tested and proven resources written by Nazarenes across the region.

    October 25, 2010

  • When the impossible takes place, we know it is the Holy Spirit – not human beings – at work. In the past three years, even while World Evangelism Fund (WEF) giving has slowly decreased during the worldwide recession, the Church of the Nazarene has experienced growth in miraculous, Spirit-driven movements. Since 2007, the church has recorded a net gain of over 300,000 new members, unprecedented in our church history.

    October 17, 2010

  • Sighișoara, Romania - Mission Corps missionary Dorothy Tarrant, was honored on September 27 by family, friends, city officials, and clients and staff of Veritas, the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) organization which she founded. The occasion marked 15 years of Tarrant’s social service activity in the community of Sighișoara, Romania, and the handing over of Veritas to its first Romanian director. The celebration included a presentation by the vice-mayor of the city, awarding Tarrant with honorary citizenship.

    October 11, 2010

  • Five Trevecca Nazarene University graduates are settling into new lives in Croatia, where they are helping Southeast Europe Field (SEE Field) leaders launch the Church of the Nazarene.

    September 27, 2010

  •  “Expect the unexpected! And if you do so, God will help you do the rest.”

    Beirut, Lebanon – Thirteen young adults from Nazarene churches in the Germany District went on a Youth in Mission (YiM) trip, from 7-18 August, to assist the Nazarene Evangelical School (NES) in Beirut with Vacation Bible School (VBS), among other things. They were accompanied by Philip Rodebush, who works for the Church of the Nazarene in Jerusalem.

    September 20, 2010

  • Helping Hands & Partners help in the flooded areas of Pakistan

    "This used to be our child development center. My friends and I went to school here. But now some of them are dead, and many more are injured and sick. Our child development center and my home are completely destroyed. We live in camps and there is no food, no water and no electricity. It is hot and I can’t sleep, especially when my little brother cries in the dark. I’ve lost all my books in the flood. I miss my child development center and my friends and my teacher! I don’t know where they are. Please help us, we no longer have a home!“

    September 13, 2010

  • The Church of the Nazarene's Board of General Superintendents (BGS) recently released a short and personal video to all pastors in the Church of the Nazarene. The heartfelt message was simple, yet can't be said enough: "Thank you, pastor."

    September 10, 2010

  • The Nepal District celebrated its first graduation with 12 students from South Asia Nazarene Bible College (SANBC), July 28. The graduates included both pastors and lay leaders mainly from the eastern part of Nepal where there is a focus on effective church planting initiatives.

    August 30, 2010

  • Földes, Hungary - About 25 youth from the Hungarian District gathered 18-19 July, to worship God and find out what it means to be “called” by Him. The Földes Church of the Nazarene hosted the event. The local youth, in coordination with Rudolf Gusztin, the District Nazarene Youth International (NYI) coordinator, organized games, programs and meals.

    August 24, 2010

  • Deadline to order envelopes September 1

    At the Lebanon District mission convention 15 May, each attendee was given a clay jar engraved with the message, “Don’t say thanks without giving,” to reflect the convention’s theme.

    August 16, 2010

  • Büsingen, Germany - Continuing on its quest to be the church in the 21st century, European Nazarene College (EuNC) will host its annual Leadership Conference, 17-20 January, 2011, with headline speakers Leonard Sweet and Jon Middendorf.

    June 28, 2010

  • Razgrad, Bulgaria - About 500 people gathered 6 June in an auditorium for the opening celebration of the new sanctuary for the Razgrad Church of the Nazarene. The 250-seat church building, which took 12 years to complete, is now the largest auditorium in the city of Razgrad. A morning formal dedication ceremony preceded a celebratory afternoon session that was filled with music, food, praise and worship.

    June 21, 2010


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