Snapshots is a newsletter where you can read about some of the ways that God is moving in the Eurasia Region. Click on an article below to read about some stories of life change and how God is at work or subscribe below.

  • Kyiv, Ukraine – A number of conferences in Ukraine this spring provided ministry training and a holiness focus for Nazarenes in the CIS Field. Twenty-nine child development workers from throughout the CIS Field (Commonwealth of Independent States) met in late April for a training conference in Kyiv, Ukraine.  The workers represented child-focused ministries in Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Russia, Ukraine and two other countries*.

    June 14, 2012

  • Inside this month’s issue of Where Worlds Meet, you will learn about how an English church is opening its doors to the Latvian community; MTV Lebanon’s recent broadcast of a [...]

    June 7, 2012

  • Amman, Jordan – On the evening of May 27, a crowd of believers from all over Jordan – representing nine Nazarene churches and several churches of other denominations – came together to celebrate Pentecost for the second year in a row.

    June 1, 2012

  • Greve, Denmark – Although Denmark is an officially Lutheran country, many young people claim to be atheists. Lars Ørsøe was the only believer in his entire high school. When he mentioned to classmates that he was a Christian, they often replied, “Wow, you are the first one that I’ve ever met.”

    May 16, 2012

  • Church planting is an increasingly urgent focus in districts throughout the Northern Europe and Central Europe fields. During his district assembly tour this spring, Jerry Porter, the general superintendent in jurisdiction over the Eurasia Region, urged leaders to pray about where God might be leading them to plant new works.

    May 2, 2012

  • In the British Isles South, District Superintendent David Montgomery says the district is looking at proposals for at least two new works. In the Netherlands, a local Nazarene church has outgrown its building and is praying and fasting this month about whether God wants them to plant a new church in their neighborhood. Plans are also underway in Hungary and the British Isles North District for strategically initiating new fellowships to reach unchurched people.

    April 25, 2012

  • Nathanja Klauser and her fellow Easter Camp directors have participated in the Germany District’s annual children and youth camps since they were kids. Now, as the new leaders of the week-long spiritual event, they hoped they weren’t too young  -- all are in their 20s -- or inexperienced to manage this important shaping and influencing time for the district’s youth.

    April 19, 2012

  • From 09 April to 27 May, 2012, Nazarenes across the Eurasia Region will unite in a single focus to celebrate a journey from “Easter to Pentecost.” Through the six-week devotional guide, “Resurrection Power,” every believer connected to the Church of the Nazarene in Eurasia has the opportunity to encounter and dwell in the power of the Holy Spirit that Paul describes.

    March 28, 2012

  • A group of 35 Nazarene Missions International (NMI) leaders from the U.S., Canada and Trinidad and Tobago recently traveled to Sri Lanka and India to pray and partner with local Nazarenes. One stop on the tour was to attend a JESUS film showing on a tea estate in Sri Lanka.

    March 21, 2012

  • Covering an area of 17,075,400 square kilometers and stretching across 12 times zones, Russia is the largest country on the planet. Historically, the Russian monarchs knew that the only way they could rule over such an enormous land was by connecting its most remote parts - hence the construction of the famous and picturesque Transiberian Railway, which connects Moscow to Russia's eastern provinces and Pacific shores.

    February 29, 2012

  • Sighisoara, Romania – On Tuesday, January 31, Veritas director Petra Popa was looking for a miracle. The advisory board for Veritas, a partner Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) ministry center in Sighisoara, Romania, had realized the organization needed a new building. 

    February 22, 2012

  • Fewer than one percent of the people in one South Asian nation* are Christians. Nazarene leaders there saw a window of opportunity to share the JESUS film in an area where people are ardent followers of another faith.

    February 8, 2012


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