Snapshots is a newsletter where you can read about some of the ways that God is moving in the Eurasia Region. Click on an article below to read about some stories of life change and how God is at work or subscribe below.

  • Sighişoara: a picturesque little town in the Romanian part of Transylvania, established in the twelfth century by German immigrants. Even today, many local children attend a German school. High above the river lies the "citadel", the town's historical centre and the ideal location for a real German "Ritterwoche" – a "Week of the Knights".

    September 11, 2013

  • Marcella is 18 years old. She lives on the outskirts of Kamez, on the road where the Flowers of Life Kindergarten and the Kamez Church of the Nazarene are located in Albania. She frequently participates in the services of the church as she recently accepted Jesus in her life, and part of her family was planning on coming to the District Family Camp August 5 to 10.

    August 28, 2013

  • The Church of the Nazarene in Tigmandru, Romania, this month is installing a new aquaponics fish and fruit and vegetable growing system beside the church building. Kyle Petrie, who also helped develop the aquaponics system on the rooftop of a Nazarene church in Jerusalem, Israel, helped the Tigmandru church plan and install the system.

    August 21, 2013

  • Inside this month's issue of Where Worlds Meet, you will experience the 28th General Assembly and Conventions held in June through the eyes of Nazarenes in the Eurasia Region; you [...]

    August 15, 2013

  • On July 26th, 2013, 28 children from the Virginia District joined with David Argabright to ride 25 laps around the Family Camp Tabernacle to reach a milestone in Compassion 575’s history -- raising over $575,000 for child development centers (CDC’s) in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

    August 14, 2013

  • Earlier this year, Betsy Scott, a missionary in Croatia, taught a ten-week Women in Ministry class to a group of women in the capital city of Zagreb, where she and her husband, Dave, are based.

    August 7, 2013

  • Gustavo A. Crocker, Eurasia regional director, was elected the 41st general superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene Wednesday night. He was elected on the 53rd ballot at the 28th General Assembly in Indianapolis, Indiana.

    June 27, 2013

  • Inside this month's issue of Where Worlds Meet, you will learn about how one Nazarene has started a ministry to human trafficking survivors in Romania; about a training event for [...]

    June 15, 2013

  • On May 8, 10 emerging leaders from the Holy Land District met on the shores of the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel for three days of training and mentoring in the Eurasia Region’s Leadership Development Initiative (LDI).

    May 30, 2013

  • This past Pentecost weekend over 165 children and 75 adults attended an annual children’s camp in Someren, Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands. The camp is designed for children between the ages of 7 and 12 years old and is a yearly event that many look forward to.

    May 23, 2013

  • It’s not every day that a Romanian is ordained, so when a Romanian was recently ordained at the Philadelphia District Assembly on April 22, it was a time of celebration.

    May 15, 2013

  • Inside this month's issue of Where Worlds Meet, you will learn about how one pastor escaped a caved-in well to continue his ministry; how God is blessing the Church in [...]

    May 15, 2013


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