Snapshots is a newsletter where you can read about some of the ways that God is moving in the Eurasia Region. Click on an article below to read about some stories of life change and how God is at work or subscribe below.

  • By Nicole Almeida As a teenager growing up in the Caribbean island of Martinique, Jocelyn first learned to cook from his mother. It later became his career. Jocelyn says that [...]

    March 15, 2017

  • On 27 February 1992, a handful of Nazarenes in Germany who had decided not to remain immune to suffering established a small organization which they called “Helping Hands”. A quarter [...]

    March 13, 2017

  • In this edition of Where Worlds Meet: Check out our brand new design; Learn about the developments with the General Assembly and NYI Convention; How the compassionate ministry in Germany [...]

    March 1, 2017

  • The Moncalieri Church of the Nazarene, Italy, cleans up after newly renovated building is flooded. After three days of heavy rain in northern Italy at the end of November, which caused [...]

    February 4, 2017

  • In this edition of Where Worlds Meet: Check out our brand new design; Learn how a family will establish Nazarene presence in Belarus; See how regional Nazarene colleges are working [...]

    January 25, 2017

  • by Teanna Sunberg There are so many villages in the vicinity of the Kolonje Lushnje Church of the Nazarene in Albania and many of them have no faith congregation at [...]

    January 10, 2017

  • By Dorli Gschwandtner Eurasia Region Communications Rev. Ian Wills became the new field strategy coordinator for Eurasia’s Northern Europe Field in August. Originally from Glasgow, Scotland, he is a fourth [...]

    January 6, 2017

  • Twenty years after Dan and Melanie Eaton first applied with Nazarene Global Mission, they received their first international assignment: to serve the Eurasia Region in finance and member care. The [...]

    January 3, 2017

  • By Zee Gimon. When Moscow First Church of the Nazarene, Russia, began welcoming deaf and hard-of-hearing people into the congregation, members became later aware that deaf and hard-of-hearing children in [...]

    December 23, 2016

  • By Arthur Snijders “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. If I send them home hungry, they will [...]

    December 21, 2016

  • In Where Worlds Meet this month, you will: read a Christmas greeting and challenge for 2017; find out how Moscow First Church helped deaf children find adoptive parents, and minister [...]

    December 16, 2016

  • Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am Vinay Moses and am from Bangalore city, in the state of Karnataka, India. I want to share [...]

    November 25, 2016


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