Snapshots is a newsletter where you can read about some of the ways that God is moving in the Eurasia Region. Click on an article below to read about some stories of life change and how God is at work or subscribe below.

  • Asia*, a 60-year-old Rohingya woman who fled violence against her people in Myanmar, could not sleep at night in the refugee camp in Bangladesh because she was so cold. On [...]

    January 12, 2018

  • What does it mean to be a stranger? How does it feel to be out of place? Missionaries and evangelists across our region often have to face these questions. We [...]

    December 12, 2017

  • One year after Anderson Sanchez volunteered at a refugee camp where he became close to some of the families, he spent 3 weeks visiting them in their new northern European [...]

    December 12, 2017

  • Despite the war that gripped *Lela’s country for many years, she and her husband had never thought of leaving. They were happy as part of their church’s thriving ministry to [...]

    November 15, 2017

  • A group of Korean families were looking for a temporary pastor to help them form a church in Manchester, England. That was the word that spread from Manchester to a [...]

    November 10, 2017

  • INDIA – Shai* decided to study theology through South Asia Nazarene Bible College after the church pastored by her husband, Baru*, planted a second church. Shai was assisting in leading [...]

    November 8, 2017

  • I am an MK (missionary kid) in Ukraine. Living in another country is fun and exciting on most days, while some days it’s not. I wanted to share with you [...]

    October 27, 2017

  • Rev. V.K. Daniel, Sri Lanka district superintendent, in July was honoured by the Human Rights Organization of Sri Lanka with the “International Excellency” award and gold medal. The award was [...]

    October 27, 2017

  • Note: Every two years, each of the six Church of the Nazarene denomination’s general superintendents has jurisdiction over the church in one of its six world regions. At the end [...]

    October 23, 2017


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