Read: Exodus 6:6-8; Exod. 7:4-5; Exod. 7:17; Exod. 8:10; Exod. 9:13-16; Exod. 14:17-18.

From a burning bush in the desert, God called Moses and gave him an assignment (Exod. 3 – 4:17).  Leading a nation out of slavery, through the desert, and toward the Promised Land was the task. While God could have chosen to end the Israelites’ slavery in a number of different ways, his chosen method through Moses had certain purposes beyond their freedom. He wanted the Israelites and all other nations to know him as Yahweh, the Lord, the Almighty, the living God above all other gods, the “I am.” God’s mission behind his chosen method, including Moses’ involvement, the plagues, the signs, and the exodus, was for people to know him, both in terms of knowledge and in relationship with him. It is amazing the extent to which God will go to make himself known to us!


  • How does God make himself known today to individuals? And to nations?
  • In what ways does God use us to make himself known to others?
  • Are you willing to be used by God in his mission and for his purposes?
  • How can God use me and my church for witnessing to people in other nations?