Where is the United Kingdom?

United Kingdom


The Church of the Nazarene entered the United Kingdom in 1909.

Organized churches
  • Nazarene churches are mostly located in challenged socioeconomic neighborhoods.

  • British Isles South District (BISD) is home to Caribbean, Hungarian, Portuguese-speaking, Brazilian and Korean congregations.

  • BISD encompasses Wales and England.

  • British Isles North District (BIND) includes Scotland, Northern Ireland and England.


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  • Society across the U.K. is highly secularized and post-Christian.

  • Evangelical churches are increasingly marginalized.

  • Many churches lose teens and young adults who move away to study and work, thus losing next generation leaders.

  • As a united kingdom made up of four nations, there is diversity in culture, language and values.

Prayer requests

  • Pray church planting efforts, including a new emphasis on diaspora churches, would be fruitful.

  • Pray for renewal of smaller churches.

  • Pray for a Holy Spirit-breathed missional, transformational revival will spread across the U.K.

  • Pray God-anointed next generation leaders will be appointed across the districts.

  • Pray God’s people will be faithful witnesses at school, work, among families and neighborhoods, and in their wider society.