
Weekly Articles about happenings around the Eurasia Region Church of the Nazarene.
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Eurasia NYI leaders meet in Büsingen

The Eurasia regional NYI (Nazarene Youth International) council met in Büsingen, Switzerland, Irbid, Jordan, and Sofia, Bulgaria, 26-31 March 2010. This was the first opportunity for the new council to meet following the 2009 Global NYI Convention.

2014-08-12T13:53:57+00:00April 6th, 2010|SnapShots|

Bangladesh District ordains 193, including 30 women

Dinajpor, Bangladesh - Dressed in spotless white, two long lines of men and women stood in the dusty yard under the hot spring sun of Bangladesh, waiting to make history. As the first musical notes were struck, the 193 future elders, including 30 women, marched along a red carpet and into the large hall to be ordained during the 17th Bangladesh District Assembly on March 24.

2020-10-05T12:21:20+00:00March 31st, 2010|SnapShots|

Bangladesh District organizes 1,000 churches, votes to become three districts

Dinajpor, Bangladesh - History and future. Missions of the 21st century. That’s what more than 2,000 Bangladeshis and a group of foreign visitors experienced at the 17th Bangladesh District Assembly March 23-24 when nearly 2000 delegates unanimously voted to sponsor the creation of two Phase 3 districts by dividing the current Bangladesh District into three self-supported districts.

2014-08-12T13:54:28+00:00March 30th, 2010|SnapShots|

SANBC graduates 194 students, including 30 women

Dinajpor, Bangladesh - One hundred and ninety-four graduates – including 30 women -- received their diplomas in South Asia Nazarene Bible College’s (SANBC) graduation March 23 as part of the Bangladesh 17th District Assembly. The Bangladesh class was more than five times the size of last year’s class, which numbered 36.

2020-10-05T12:27:16+00:00March 29th, 2010|SnapShots|
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