
Weekly Articles about happenings around the Eurasia Region Church of the Nazarene.
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First Eastern Mediterranean Holiness Summit

Over 125 leaders from throughout the Middle East met 3-5 May for the first Holiness Summit in the Eastern Mediterranean Field. The event included lively, God-glorifying worship in Arabic as well as strong Biblical teaching and preaching on the topic of holiness.

2014-08-12T13:52:48+00:00May 10th, 2010|SnapShots|

More than Words

Twenty-six new episodes are in production for the Arabic-language Nazarene program that debuted on a Christian TV channel in the Middle East last fall. Producers are also adding English subtitles to 13 of the previously produced episodes. Twenty-six new episodes are in production for the Arabic-language Nazarene program that debuted on a Christian TV channel in the Middle East last fall.

2016-07-29T20:38:49+00:00April 27th, 2010|SnapShots|

Germany teens live out their call at youth camp

Taking the nursing home floor by floor, Tirza Klauser sang hymns with several other young people for the elderly people who listened from their chairs. Some smiled, others sang along. A few cried. Across the building, teenage boys took walks with some of the residents, pushing them in their wheelchairs and talking. Outside, more teens were doing yard work.

2014-08-12T13:53:10+00:00April 26th, 2010|SnapShots|

Second Nazarene coffee house in Poland officially opens

Poznan, Poland - After a six-month delay, Sweet Surrender Coffee House opened its doors for official business on Tuesday, April 6. The Poznan café, which is the second Sweet Surrender coffee house in Poland, had been waiting for a permit that was held up by a conflict in disabled access requirements between the historical society and the city. Sweet Surrender finally received the permit at the end of March.

2014-08-12T13:53:21+00:00April 19th, 2010|SnapShots|

EuNC Work & Witness team makes Moncalieri, Italy church more visible to community

While pruning back weeds and shrubs, fixing a fence and painting walls, the Work & Witness team to Moncalieri, Italy, suddenly found cake raining down from the sky. The eight students and two staff members from European Nazarene College (EuNC) in Busingen, Germany, traveled to Moncalieri Church of the Nazarene for a one-week work trip over spring break in early April.

2014-08-12T13:53:30+00:00April 12th, 2010|SnapShots|
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