Where is Poland?


The Church of the Nazarene entered Poland in 1999.

Organized churches
Licensed ministers


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  • Because Poland is economically strong, many pastors observe interest in God, especially among young Poles, has greatly diminished.

  • Poland is fast becoming an international hub for foreigners seeking stability and employment. Immigration and multiculturalism require patience, tolerance, and acceptance to maintain a vibrant and peaceful society.

  • Many Poles need to experience the redemptive work of Christ on the cross and the personal relationship He desires.

Prayer requests

  • Please pray Poles will long for spiritual truth and new life in Christ more than material prosperity.

  • Pray people will recognize faith is more than a cultural tradition; that accepting the Lordship of Jesus brings transformation to individuals and the whole society. Pray for a movement of the Holy Spirit.

  • Ask God to bless the churches that are evangelizing and discipling; pray for a great harvest both in numbers and spiritual growth.

  • Ask God to bless the refugee communities as they share about Jesus with other immigrants and Poles.