Read: Genesis 1:26-31; Genesis 2:7-9; Genesis 2:15-3:24.

God created one part of his creation in his image and full of his breath.  Human beings were given the capacity to create, to make decisions, to think, to love, to have relationships, and have dominion over the rest of creation.  This included the choice to obey or disobey God’s command to avoid eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Disobedience damaged God’s entire creation.  The relationship between the Creator and his creation was distorted; humans had tried to become like or equal to God, rejecting the Creator and what they had been created to be.  The relationship between humans was distorted; guilt, blame, and distrust were present.  The relationship between humans and the rest of creation was distorted; abuse and death had entered the world, followed by God’s curse.  The only one who could redeem this catastrophe and restore the creation was the Creator himself.


  • According to these scripture readings, how would you describe the mission of God?
  • Read 1 Peter 1:18-20.  According to the text, the triune God knew that Jesus would come to die on earth to redeem a fallen world before God created it!  What character qualities of God do these passages in Genesis and 1 Peter reveal to us?
  • Would you consider God to be the first missionary?  Why or why not?
  • Consider the responses of Adam and Eve, and of God, after sin.  In what ways are these responses similar or different today?
  • Whom do you know who needs to hear God calling to them saying, “Where are you?